Privacy Policy
Scope of Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy covers how nearD processing of personal data collected or received, including information about users browse websites and use nearD services. Your personal data refers to an identifiable identity information (such as your name, address, email address or telephone number), and the general non-public information.
Privacy Policy does not apply to company policy not controlled or owned by nearD, does not apply to persons who are not from the nearD employ or manage.
Data collection and use
nearD when you register for an account, use nearD services, browse the Web or some nearD business partners or to participate in promotional programs or games with prizes, will collect your personal information. nearD your personal data may be combined with information obtained from business partners or other companies.
When you register nearD, we ask for your name, email address, birth date, gender, job title and industry, and personal interests; nearD when it comes to certain services, we may ask for your other personal information, such as phone number, address, identity card number and your asset information. Your success in nearD registration, and after login to use our services, we will be aware of your identity.
nearD automatically from your browser, the server receives and records information value, including the Internet Protocol address (IP Address), nearD cookie information and the page you requested to read the record.
nearD uses information for the following general purposes: to customize your ads and web content, to provide you with products or services you have requested, improve our services, contact members, conduct research, and for the company or customers secret report.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
nearD will not rent, sell, or disclose your personal information to any other person or non-affiliated companies, unless your consent, or to provide you with products or services you have requested, or under the following circumstances:
We provide the information to the integrity or confidentiality agreements with nearD partners; these companies may alert you to product and service information about nearD or partner with your personal data. However, these companies do not have an independent right to share such information.
We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or in response to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;
We consider it necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities or suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to anyone's personal safety, as well as in preventing violations of nearD terms of use or illegal behavior.
Personal data received by the parties request made under Article 58 (Privacy) Ordinance.
If nearD being acquired by or merged with another company, we will transfer information about you. In this case, nearD will notify you before the transfer of data, and will be subject to a different privacy policy.
According to your settings, nearD will be in your account profile page nearD publish your personal information, and, in some cases nearD will show your nearD account name (for example, in the discussion area).
nearD to your computer will set and access cookie.
Place advertisements on our website company, nearD will allow them to set and access cookie to your computer. Other companies will protect their privacy policy according to custom, and not this policy to use its cookie. Advertisers or other companies can not extract the nearD cookie.
The right to modify and delete personal account details and preferences of
You can always modify your nearD account information. You may apply for account deletion via "Request account deletion" on "Account Info" page with nearD mobile app, the application will be processed automatically in 14 days.
Confidentiality and security
We believe there is a reasonable need to contact you to provide you with products or services, or for any other working relationship there is reasonably required before the employee learned your profile.
We have physical, electronic and procedural security measures Annexed protection of personal data in order to protect your personal information.
Unsubscribe email
nearD send updates about the forums, promotional or commercial e-mail to its members, when members choose to receive commercial or promotional emails, each of the emails also contain both "unsubscribe" function. Should you no longer wish to receive e-mail sent from nearD, you can click at the bottom of each of the emails 'unsubscribe' link to update and remove your personal information on the e-mail database.
The revised Privacy Policy
nearD review this Privacy Policy from time to time and may be revised at any time without prior notice. Users can browse the web at any time to view the full text of the Privacy Policy in order to know the most timely Privacy Policy:
Queries and suggestions
If you have any inquiries and suggestions, please contact us.
Date: 30 Sep 2021